tuō shǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.let go; let slip; release one's grip

    • gǎo zi yǐ tuō shǒu jí rì biàn kě jì chū


      The manuscript is now out of hand, and will be posted within a few days.

    • měng rán yī jīng wǒ de bēi zi tuō shǒu dǎ suì le


      With a start, the cup slipped out of my hand and was broken.

    • tā kàn jiàn le mǎ lì yǐn liào tuō pán dāng jí tuō shǒu diào zài dì shang


      He saw Mary and promptly dropped his tray of drinks.

  • 2

    v.sell; dispose of; (of goods) get off one's hands

    • chén huò yǐ jīng tuō shǒu le


      The old stock has been sold off.

    • zhè xiē gǔ piào bì xū lì jí tuō shǒu bù rán yào kuī


      To cut a loss, we must get these stocks off our hands immediately.

    • gǔ piào jīng jì rén yǐ jīng bǎ qí zhōng yī bù fen gǔ piào tuō shǒu gěi le yī míng yuàn yì jiē pán de kè hù


      The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.

Word usage

  • "脱" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 他们工厂生产电视已经全部

      Their factory has sold off all its TVs.

    • 苹果价格已经还是不了

      Apples’ price has been lowered to the minimum, but they still cannot be sold off.

Chinese words with pinyin tuo shou