tuō yǎng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.entrust (children, seniors, etc.) to somebody (or an institution); entrust somebody to raise one's child, pet, etc.

    • tā tuō yǎng de chǒng wù


      a pet entrusted by him

    • shè huì fú lì jī gòu fú wù nèi róng yǐ jí tuō yǎng fāng shì rì qū wán shàn


      The services and fostering methods of social welfare agencies are improving all the time.

    • suǒ yǒu yì gōng dōu bù lìn shí jiān xīn lì zhào gù tuō yǎng de māo shèn zhì chéng dān xǔ duō zhī chū


      All volunteers are giving their time and effort and shouldering many expenses for the cats under their foster care.

Chinese words with pinyin tuo yang