wǎng jiè

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.previous (meetings, graduates, etc.)

    • wǎng jiè kǎo shēng


      repeat examinee

    • qí zhōng hěn duō xìn xī dōu shì cóng wǎng jiè xué shēng de kǒu zhōng dé zhī de


      Much of this information is picked up by word of mouth from previous students.

    • wǎng jiè xué shēng duì kè chéng nèi róng hé jiào yuán quán shì zàn yáng zhī cí


      Previous students have had nothing but praise for the course content and staff.

Word usage

  • Note
    "往届" is different from "历届". "往届" does not include the current session; "历届" includes the previous and current sessions.