wǎng shì

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.past events; history

    • yī zhuāng zhuāng wǎng shì fú shàng le tā de xīn tóu


      Memories of times past floated into his mind.

    • wǎng shì bù kān huí shǒu


      It's sad to look back on those old days.

    • yī tí qǐ tā de míng zi hěn duō wǎng shì dōu lì lì zài mù


      As his name comes up, many memories arise.

    • nà dōu shì wǎng shì


      That is all history now.

    • huí yì qǐ wǎng shì


      recollections of the past

    • tā xiào le hǎo xiàng zài wǎng shì de huí yì zhōng dé dào le ān wèi


      She smiled, as though solaced by the memory.

    • tā shì wǒ shí liù suì shí de nán péng you dàn nà shì chén nián wǎng shì le


      He was my boyfriend when I was sixteen, but that's ancient history now.

Word usage

  • "往事" is often matched with measure word "件"or"段".
    • 往事

      one piece of the past

    • 往事

      one period of the past