wàng běn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.forget one's past suffering; forget where one's happiness comes from; forget one's class origin; forget one's origin

    • wǒ men bù néng yīn guò shang le hǎo rì zi jiù wàng běn


      We must not forget our old sufferings simply because we are living happy lives now.

    • chéng wéi lǐng dǎo gàn bù kě bù néng wàng běn


      One must not forget his origin, now that he is appointed to the leading post.

    • wàng běn de rén


      someone who forgets their roots

Word usage

  • "忘" and "本" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 好日子

      He forgot his past suffering when leading a good life.

    • 虽然好日子

      Although I have a good life, I have never forgotten my past suffering.