wén shān huì hǎi

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  • slmetamountain of paperwork and endless meetings; intricate routine that a leading cadre gets bogged down in

    • cóng wén shān huì hǎi zhōng bǎi tuō chū lai


      free oneself from office work and meetings

    • zhěng tiān mái zài wén shān huì hǎi li


      All day long be buried under a mountain of paperwork and drowned in a sea of meetings.

    • wǒ yī zhí rèn wéi wén shān huì hǎi shì rén fú yú shì de gōng sī zuò fēng biǎo xiàn zhī yī


      I always believe overfull meetings are signs of bueaucratism of an organization.