
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.shake/clasp hands (with somebody); courtesy at meeting or parting between two people

    • tā men wò shǒu xī bié


      They shake hands at parting.

    • tā bù zhī dào shì gāi gēn tā wò shǒu hái shi qīn tā de liǎn jiá yī shí hěn gān gà


      There was an awkward moment when she didn't know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek.

    • hé zǒng tǒng wò shǒu tā gǎn dào guāng róng


      He is greatly honored of shaking hands with the president.

    • wò shǒu dào hè


      grasp one's hand and extend one's congratulations

Word usage

  • "握" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He held my hand and didn't let go.

    • 他们已经

      They both have already shaken their hands.

    • 以后各自

      After shaking hands, they sat down.