
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.knee-caps; (of a piece of clothing that covers the knee) knee

    • tā bǎ qún zi lā dào xī gài shang


      She hitched her skirt above her knees.

    • bàn shì yuán jǐn zhāng de bǎ shǒu fàng zài xī gài shang


      The clerk rested his hands nervously on his knees.

    • tā bǎ bēi zi zài xī gài shang fàng wěn


      She balanced the cup on her knee.

Word usage

  • "膝盖" is often matched with measure word "个"or"双".
    • 膝盖

      one knee

    • 膝盖

      one pair of knees