xī zhuāng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.suit; Western-style clothes

    • tā chuān zhe yī shēn zhěng jié de xī zhuāng


      He wore a trim suit.

    • wǒ xiǎng dìng zuò yī tào xī zhuāng


      I would like to have a custom suit made.

    • bǎ nǐ de xī zhuāng xiǎo xīn shōu hǎo yǐ miǎn nòng zhòu


      Pack your suit carefully so that you don't crease it.

Word usage

  • "西装" is often matched with measure word "件"or"套".
    • 西装

      one business suit

    • 西装

      one business suit