xǐ shǒu

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.wash one's hands

    • shén me dì fang néng xǐ shǒu


      Where can I wash my hands?

    • ràng hái zi men qù xǐ shǒu gāi chī fàn le


      Tell the kids to wash up. It's time to eat.

    • qù xǐ shǒu ba nǐ de shǒu tài zāng le


      Go wash your hands, your hands are too dirty.

  • 2

    v.meta(of a thief, bandit, etc.) wash one's hands forever of criminal activity; stop doing evil and reform oneself

    • xǐ shǒu bù gàn


      stop doing evil and reform oneself

  • 3

    v.metaquit a job; give up a profession

    • jīn pén xǐ shǒu


      stop doing evil and reform oneself

Word usage

  • "洗" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 出狱以后

      He stopped doing evil after he was out of prison.

    • 违法

      He stopped doing anything illegal.

    • 大家继续

      I'll wash my hands and you can keep talking.

  • "洗手" can be reduplicated, for example: "洗洗手".
    • Go and wash your hands; they're absolutely black!