xiān hòu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.order of priority/precedence; being early or late; priority; order

    • bàn shì yīng yǒu gè xiān hòu cì xù


      Things should be taken up in order of priority.

    • jīng lǐ jiāng àn dào dá xiān hòu cì xù jiē jiàn zhè xiē yìng zhēng zhě


      The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival.

    • zhè xiē shì bàn qǐ lai děi yǒu gè xiān hòu


      All these matters should be taken up in order of piroirty.

  • 2

    adv.successively; one after another

    • yī míng jǐng chá hé yī wèi hù lǐ rén yuán xiān hòu shì tú jiù huó tā


      A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.

    • tā xiān hòu qù guò yīng guó dé guó hé fǎ guó


      She went to Britain and afterwards to Germany and France.

    • tā zài liǎng zhōu nèi xiān hòu jīng shòu le liǎng cì shǒu shù


      She underwent two successive operations in two weeks.

Word usage

  • Note
    "先后" is different from "前后". 1) "前后" can refer to time and space; "先后" can only refer to time; 2) Refers to time. If it refers to the sequence of events occurring within a period of time, it should be used "先后"; if it refers to the entire period of time, it should be used "前后"; 3) "前后" can modify nouns; "先后" cannot. "