xiǎo mài

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.wheat (the plant and the grain)

    • wǒ duì xiǎo mài guò mǐn


      I develop an allergy to wheat.

    • dāng dì rén yòng xiǎo mài huàn qǔ miàn bāo


      The local people bartered wheat for bread.

    • nà nián xiǎo mài chǎn liàng guò shèng


      Wheat was in surplus that year.

Word usage

  • "小麦" is often matched with measure word "粒"or"棵"or"袋".
    • 小麦

      one grain of wheat

    • 小麦

      one wheat

    • 小麦

      one bag of wheat

Chinese words with pinyin xiao mai