
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.jest; joke; funny thing

    • zhè wèi lǎo shī hěn yōu mò jīng cháng gěi wǒ men jiǎng xiào hua


      The teacher is very humorous and often tell jokes to us.

    • tā fēi cháng huì shuō xiào hua


      He is good at cracking jokes.

    • nán dào nǐ bù néng zài jiǎng huà zhōng zài zēng jiā jǐ jù xiào hua ma


      Can't you work a few more jokes into your speech?

  • 2

    v.laugh at; sneer at

    • tā zǒng xiào hua wǒ de yī shuāng dà jiǎo


      He is always making cracks about my big feet.

    • zán men yī dìng yào yíng bié ràng rén xiào hua wǒ men


      We must win the game, and not give others any chance to laugh at us.

    • xiā zi yě kě yǐ xiào hua tā men le


      Blind people could laugh at them too!

Word usage

  • "笑话" is often matched with measure word "个"or"句"or"则".
    • 笑话

      one joke

    • 笑话

      one joke

    • 笑话

      one joke