xié yì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.consult; discuss together; negotiate; agree on

    • tā men xié yì lí hūn


      They terminate a betrothal by discussion.

    • shuāng fāng zhèng zài xié yì shuì lǜ


      The two parties are discussing the tax rate.

    • tā men xié yì tí gāo shōu gòu jià gé


      They agree to raise the purchasing price.

  • 2

    n.agreement; composition; contract; deal

    • wǒ rèn wéi zhè fèn xié yì shì kě jiē shòu de


      I think this agreement is acceptable.

    • tā men jiù cǐ shì dá chéng xié yì


      They negotiate a deal on this.

    • gāi xié yì guī dìng le biān jiè liǎng biān gōng lǐ de ān quán qū


      The agreement provided for a security zone of 80km on both sides of the border.

  • 3


    • qiān shǔ yī fèn wǎng luò xié yì


      Sign a network protocol.

    • zhè shì wǎng luò chuán shū xié yì


      This is communications protocol.

    • xié yì biāo zhǔn shì shén me


      What is the protocol standard?

Word usage

  • Note
    "协议" is different from "协定". 1. "协议" can be written or oral; "协定" refers to written terms concluded in writing. 3. "协议" can be used between units or individuals; the two or more parties to the "协定" usually refer to the state or social group. "
  • "协议" is often matched with measure word "份".
    • 协议

      one agreement