
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.have a chat over the old days; talk about the past

    • lǎo tóng xué yī jiàn miàn jiù kāi shǐ xù jiù


      The old classmates began talking about their old days as soon as they got together.

    • wǒ men néng zài zhè xù jiù ma


      Could we try a little reality here?

Word usage

  • "叙" and "旧" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 今天同学一会儿

      I had a chat over the old days with my old schoolmate today.

    • 朋友一起高兴

      The old friends were delighted that they had a chat over the old days.

    • 好久一起

      We haven’t seen each other for quite a while. Let's have a chat over the old days sometime.