yáo shǒu

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng ràng lún zi zhuàn dòng kě yǐ xuán zhuǎn yáo shǒu


      If you want the wheel to turn, you can rotate and shake your hand.

  • 2

    v.wave one's hand horizontally to show disapproval; shake one's hand in admonition or disapproval

    • yáo shǒu bù xǔ tā shuō


      cut him off with a wave of the hand

    • wǒ kàn dào péng you cháng yáo shǒu xiāng wèn hái hǎo ma


      I always see friends shaking hands saying how did you do?

    • fán jīng guò de rén dōu bì chī xiào xiàng tā yáo shǒu


      Everybody who passes by her will hiss and wave his hand at her.

Word usage

  • "摇" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 表示反对

      He shook his hands in disapproval.

    • 表示反对

      He shook his hands in disapproval.

    • 征求意见一下

      When I asked for his opinion, he only shook his hand.