yào àn

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.key criminal case; major case

    • chá chǔ dà àn hé yào àn


      investigate and deal with big and vital cases

    • gāi yào àn miàn lín zhe gòu chéng cán kù hé bù xún cháng chéng fá de wèn tí


      This important case confronts the issue of what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

    • jìn nián lái suí zhe fǎn fǔ bài dòu zhēng de shēn rù fā zhǎn dà liàng de shòu huì fàn zuì tè bié shì yī pī yào àn dé dào jiē lù hé chéng chǔ


      In recent years, along with the further development of corruption and bribery crime of a larger cases, especially the exposure and get punished.