
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.bath towel

    • dǎ wán zhāo hu hòu wǒ bào zhe yù jīn lā kai le wēn quán yù shì de mén


      After calling out a greeting, I opened the door to the hot springs bathroom, holding my towel.

    • tā zài yāo jiān jì le yī tiáo yù jīn


      He had a towel tied around his waist.

    • wǒ men huì zài xǐ zǎo qián bǎ yù jīn hōng yī xià


      We would throw a bath towel into the dryer just before a shower.

    • liǎng tiáo yù jīn


      two bath towels

Word usage

  • "浴巾" is often matched with measure word "条".
    • 浴巾

      one bath towel