yuán mǎn

Chinese dictionary
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  • adj.satisfactory

    • liǎng guó huì wù yuán mǎn jié shù


      The talks between the two countries came to a successful end.

    • cǐ cì dà huì kāi de hěn yuán mǎn


      The conference was very successful.

    • wǒ xī wàng zhēng duān néng yuán mǎn jiě jué


      I hope the dispute will soon come to a satisfactory conclusion.

    • yuán mǎn chéng gōng


      complete success

    • gōng dé yuán mǎn


      come to a successful issue

    • yī gè yuán mǎn de dá fù


      a satisfactory reply

    • dá dào yuán mǎn


      come to perfection

Word usage

  • Note
    "圆满" is different from "美满". "美满" expresses perfection and beauty, and is often used to describe life, family, marriage, etc.; "圆满" expresses perfection and thoroughness, which means that the development of things fully meets people's expectations, and is mostly used in meetings, events, etc.
  • "圆满" can be reduplicated, for example: "圆圆满满".
    • 我们经理经验丰富事情

      With a rich experience, our manager finished the work very satisfactorily.