
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.blink; wink; twinkle

    • tā xiàng wǒ zhǎ yǎn


      She winked at me.

    • pāi zhào de shí hou bié zhǎ yǎn


      Don't blink when taking pictures.

    • tā yǎn jing bù shū fu suǒ yǐ tā yī zhí zài zhǎ yǎn


      Her eyes were uncomfortable, so she kept blinking.

  • 2

    v.metablink of an eye; in the twinkling of an eye; very short time

    • nà ge rén yī zhǎ yǎn gōng fu jiù táo pǎo le


      The man ran away in the blink of an eye.

    • nà zhǐ māo yī zhǎ yǎn jiù bù jiàn le


      The cat disappeared in the blink of an eye.

    • tā zhǎ yǎn zhī jiān jiù wán chéng rèn wù le


      He finished the task in the blink of an eye.

Word usage

  • "眨" and "眼" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 一下

      He winked at me.

    • 一边一边

      He blinked while talking.

    • 一直几乎

      He kept staring at the picture, hardly blinking.

  • "眨眼" can be reduplicated, for example: "眨眨眼".
    • 如果同意

      Wink at me if you agree.

Chinese words with pinyin zha yan