zhí qín

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.be on duty

    • yī wèi zhí qín shào bīng


      a sentry on guard

    • zhí qín jǐng chá dǐng zhe lěng yǔ máng zhe xún luó hé wéi chí zhì xù


      The police on duty were busy patrolling and maintaining order in the cold rain.

    • jī céng zhí qín mín jǐng de ān quán yì shí bù qiáng


      weak awareness of safety of police working in basic level

    • wǒ men xū yào gèng duō de rén yuán zhí qín


      We need more men on duty.

Word usage

  • "执" and "勤" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 如果明白警察工作辛苦

      If you have been on duty once, you will understand the hard work of the police.

    • 哪个时间

      When were you on duty?

    • 一起

      I have been on duty with him.