
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.(of a meeting) chairperson; chairman; chairwoman

    • tā shì běn cì de huì yì zhǔ xí


      She is the chairman of the meeting.

    • wǒ jiāng dān rèn huì yì zhǔ xí


      I will take the chair of the meeting.

    • tā yán xù dān rèn gōng sī huì yì zhǔ xí


      She continued as chairman of the company meeting.

  • 2

    n.chairman/president (of an organization or a state); highest leadership position

    • měi guó zǒng tǒng shì guó jiā ān quán wěi yuán huì zhǔ xí


      The U.S. President is the Chairman of the National Security Council.

    • tā bèi rèn mìng wéi zhǔ xí


      She was appointed as chairman.

    • rú guǒ méi yǒu zhǔ xí de zhī chí wěi yuán huì shì wú néng wéi lì de


      Without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent.

Word usage

  • "主席" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位".
    • 主席

      one chairman

    • 主席

      one chairman

Chinese words with pinyin zhu xi