zhù yīn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.phonetic notation; transcribe phonetically; mark the text with phonetic symbols

    • wǒ men de kè wén yǒu zhù yīn ma


      Is the text marked with phonetic symbols?

    • zhè liǎng zhǒng zhù yīn dōu fǎn yìng zhōng guó běi fāng xiàn shí yǔ yīn


      Both pronunciations reflect the contemporary vernacular pronunciation of Northern China.

    • bù bì gěi kè wén quán bù zhù yīn


      There is no need to include hanyu pinyin for the whole text.

    • gěi hàn zì zhù yīn


      phoneticize Chinese characters

    • yī gè zhù yīn fú hào


      a phonetic sign

Word usage

  • "注" and "音" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 童话

      I have marked the fairy tale with phonetic symbols.

    • 我们检查

      Having marked it with phonetic symbols, we checked it again.

    • 怎么

      How did you mark the phonetic symbols? They are all wrong.

Chinese words with pinyin zhu yin