zuǒ yòu kāi gōng

Chinese dictionary
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  • slmetabe ambidextrous; shoot first with one hand, then with the other; use both hands alternately in quick succession; box somebody's ears right and left; use each hand in turn

    • zuǒ yòu kāi gōng jìn xíng lián xù chōu dǎ


      attack with a volley of forehand and backhand smashes

    • tā zuǒ yòu kāi gōng dǎ dǎo le duì shǒu


      He knocked over his opponent with a quick one-two.

    • tā shī zhǎn chū tā de zǔ hé quán cháo duì shǒu zuǒ yòu kāi gōng bǐ sài jiù cǐ jié shù


      He gives his opponent the old one-two, and it’s all over.