HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

huì wù会晤meet with

jiā yáo佳肴tasty food

jiǎn cǎi剪彩cut the ribbon

jiā jù加剧aggravate

jiā gōng加工process; improve

jí biàn即便even

jí jiāng即将soon

jí zǎo及早at an early date

jí xiáng吉祥auspicious

huí bào回报report back on what has been done; repay

huí shōu回收recycle; recover what has been issued or launched

huí bì回避evade; avoid

huí gù回顾look back; review

jiān gù坚固firm

jiān dìng坚定staunch; strengthen

jiān shí坚实steady; robust

jiān yìng坚硬hard

jiān rèn坚韧tough and tensile; firm and tenacious

jī yīn基因gene

jī dì基地base; center

jī jīn基金fund

jiā zá夹杂be mingled with

jí dù嫉妒be jealous of

jì jūn季军second runner-up

jì dù季度quarter

jiā huo家伙tool; guy

jiā yù hù xiǎo家喻户晓known to all

jiā shǔ家属dependents

jiā cháng家常domestic; daily life of a family

jì jìng寂静silent

jì tuō寄托leave somebody with another person; find sustenance in

jiān duān尖端pointed end; most advanced/sophisticated

jiān ruì尖锐sharp-pointed; penetrating

jì huì忌讳taboo; avoid as taboo

jí qiè急切eager; in a hurry

jí jù急剧rapid

jí gōng jìn lì急功近利seek instant success and quick profits

jí zào急躁irritable; impetuous

huǐ hèn悔恨be bitterly remorseful

jì qiǎo技巧skill; #$


huī huò挥霍squander

hūn mí昏迷be comatose


jī dòng机动motorized; flexible

jī mì机密secret; somet hin g t o be kept confident ial

jī zhì机智resourceful

jī gòu机构mechanism; organization

jī xiè机械machinery; inflexible

jī ling机灵clever; shake with fear

jī yù机遇opportunity

jí duān极端extreme; exceedingly

jí xiàn极限limit; limit

jiǎn tǎo检讨make a self-criticism; inspect

jiǎn yàn检验inspect

huǐ miè毁灭destroy

huì bào汇报report; report

huó lì活力vitality

huó gāi活该serve somebody right; should

hún shēn浑身from head to foot

hùn luàn混乱confused

hùn hé混合mix

hùn zhuó混浊turbid

hùn xiáo混淆confusion; confuse

jī lì激励encourage; drive

jī fā激发arouse; excite

jī qíng激情intense emotion

huǒ yàn火焰flame

huǒ jiàn火箭rocket

huǒ yào火药gunpowder

jiānfry in shallow oil without stirring; decoct

jí bìng疾病illness

huáng hòu皇后empress

huáng dì皇帝emperor

jiān yù监狱prison

jiān dū监督supervise; supervisor

jiān shì监视keep watch on

jiǎn huà简化simplify

jí guàn籍贯native place

jí bié级别grade

jì yào纪要summary of minutes

jǐ yǔ给予give

jì chéng继承succeed to; carry forward

jiān nán艰难hard

huāng táng荒唐absurd; dissipated

huāng miù荒谬absurd

hūnstrong-smelling vegetables which are not eaten by Buddhist vegetarians; meat or fish dishes

jì jiào计较haggle over; argue

jī xiào讥笑jeer

jì xing记性memory

jì zǎi记载put down in writing; record

huò bì货币currency

huì lù贿赂bribe; bribery

huī huáng辉煌brilliant; describe outstanding and significant achievement

jì xiàng迹象indication

jí tuán集团group; conglomerate

jī è饥饿hungry

huáng hūn黄昏dusk

jí yú qiú chéng急于求成be anxious for success

huǎng rán dà wù恍然大悟suddenly see the light