D Chinese ACC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 6.

zhuān xīn zhì zhì专心致志be wholly absorbed

lín jìn临近approach

zhǔ yì主义systematic doctrine or theory on the objective world, society, or academic issues; system

lè bù kě zhī乐不可支overwhelmed/overcome with joy

xiǎng lè享乐indulge in creature comforts

qīn nì亲昵very intimate

zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī众所周知as everyone knows

líng yá lì chǐ伶牙俐齿have the gift of the gab

piān pì偏僻remote

jīng jīng yè yè兢兢业业be cautious and conscientious

chū mò出没appear and disappear

chū huó r出活儿work efficiently;make some working outcomes

chū chū máo lú初出茅庐at the beginning of one's career

qián yán前沿forward position; leading edge

zhàn jù占据occupy

fǎn dòng反动reactionary; reaction

biàn gù变故accident

hào chēng号称be known as; claim to be

tóng gān gòng kǔ同甘共苦go through thick and thin together

míng liè qián máo名列前茅at the top of the list; #$

jiā bīn嘉宾distinguished/important guest

jiān shí坚实steady; robust

duō shì多事do what is unnecessary or superfluous; be meddlesome

xué zhǎng学长schoolmate; dean

mì mǎ密码password; cipher/secret code

chāi shi差事assignment; commission

mat; seat

kāi chuàng开创initiate

dé yì得益benefit from

wēi miào微妙delicate

yōu lǜ忧虑anxious

jí cù急促hurried; short

xìng zi性子temper; potency

kěn qǐng恳请earnestly request

qíng jié情节plot; circumstances

gǎn zhào感召inspire

lǎn de懒得be in no mood for something/to do something

chéng xiào成效effect

shǒu zú wú cuò手足无措be bewildered

cái yì才艺talent and skill

chōu kòng抽空find time/leisure

bō luàn fǎn zhèng拨乱反正bring order out of chaos

zhǐ lìng指令instruct; instruction

pái jǐ排挤push aside

yǎn shì掩饰cover up; deception

lǎngather somebody's body into one's arms; take on

gǎi kǒu改口correct oneself; address somebody by a different name/title

liào lǐ料理manage; look after

jì dìng既定established

rì jī yuè lěi日积月累accumulate day by day and month by month

shí shì时事current events/affairs

huàng dang晃荡rock; saunter

gēng gǎi更改change

qī kān期刊periodical

méng lóng朦胧dim moonlight; obscure

liǔ àn huā míng柳暗花明a beauteous scene

chén mèn沉闷oppressive; in low spirits

jīn tiē津贴subsidy; pay an allowance

hǎi bào海报bill

xuàn yào炫耀dazzle; show off

shuǎng lǎng爽朗refreshingly clear and bright; candid

kuáng rè狂热fanatic

shēng fen生分estranged

bǎi fèi dài xīng百废待兴many devastated businesses are waiting to be started

shè tuán社团society

qínbirds; birds and beasts

kē huàn科幻science fiction

gǎo zi稿子rough draft; contribution

kòng dāng空当space

fěn suì粉碎break into pieces; smash

lěi jī累积accumulate

fèng xì缝隙crack

xiūshy; make somebody feel ashamed

dǎn lüè胆略courage and resourcefulness

yōng zhǒng臃肿too fat/overweight to move; overstaffed

kǔ kǒu pó xīn苦口婆心urge earnestly and with kind intentions

bǔ kǎo补考take a make-up exam

tānhave an insatiable desire for; seek

làihinge on; rascally

yǒng yuè踊跃leap; eager

jìn jūn进军march; #$

chí yí迟疑be shy about/of

tòu lù透露divulge; reveal

tōng shǐ通史general/comprehensive history

jiē jí阶级steps; rank

shà shí霎时same as 霎时间

fēi fán非凡extraordinary

dǐng yòng顶用be able to do the job

fēng kǒu làng jiān风口浪尖the teeth of a storm and the crest of a tidal wave

fēng fēng huǒ huǒ风风火火hasty and rash; dynamic

mò qì默契tacit agreement; secret agreement

gǔ chuī鼓吹advocate; advertise

zhī jì之际time of

qǐn shí bù ān寝食不安be worried waking or sleeping

diàn niǔ电钮push button

ruò yǒu suǒ sī若有所思as if lost in thought

zuò wò bù níng坐卧不宁be on tenterhooks

zhuī huǐ mò jí追悔莫及be too late to repent

sù mìng宿命destiny

zhì lì yú致力于be devoted to