三顾茅庐have visited the cottage thrice in succession
不落窠臼not follow the beaten track
东施效颦ugly woman trying to imitate a famous beauty knitting her brows
余音绕梁the music lingered around the beams
哀鸿遍野disaster victims moaning everywhere
响遏行云being so sonorous as to stop the passing clouds
妙笔生花ingenious writing with exquisite description; #$
完璧归赵return the jade intact to the State of Zhao
投笔从戎cast aside the pen and join the army—forsake the pen for the sword
拾人牙慧steal/appropriate other people's ideas as one's own
有教无类in education there should be no class distinction
水滴石穿Dripping water wears through rock.
牙牙学语babble out one's first speech sounds
程门立雪stand in the snow at the master Cheng's gate
绳锯木断little strokes fell great oaks
聊胜于无a little better than nothing
见贤思齐emulate those better than oneself
负荆请罪the deepest possible apology one can make to another
邯郸学步imitate others slavishly only to lose one's own individuality and attributes
闻过则喜be glad to have one's errors pointed out
风刀霜剑biting wind and stinging frost-freezing cold; adverse circumstances
唱念做打singing, recitation, acting and acrobatics
大显神通display one's remarkable prowess to the full
学而不厌have an insatiable desire to learn
托物言志express thoughts and feelings by describing the image of specific things
旁逸斜出grow out from the side irregularly
桃红柳绿red peach blossoms and green willows—beautiful spring scene
良药苦口Bitter pills have wholesome effects.
论功行赏decide on awards on the basis of merit
遮天盖地blot out the sky and hide the earth
鉴往知来foresee the future by reviewing the past
不避艰险flinch/shrink from no difficulty or danger
令出如山Orders are like a mountain.
众星拱月a myriad of stars surrounding the moon
兴国安邦make the country prosperous and stable
北国风光a magnificent scene of the north
岁月如流The months and years pass by like a stream.
开山鼻祖the first person to do something
敌众我寡be outnumbered by the enemy
敛声屏气keep silent and hold one's breath
来去无踪come and go mysteriously leaving no trace
水天一色The waters and skies merge in one color.
神态自若appear calm and composed at ease
绿林好汉greenwood heroes; a band of bandits entrenched in a mountain stronghold
芳草如茵Soft green grass carpets the ground.
长风破浪ride the wind and cleave the waves
开卷有益Reading is always profitable.
喻之以理try to make somebody see reason
二十年后又是一条好汉twenty years later, one will be a hero again
各打各的算盘everyone has his own intention
有鼻子有眼have a nose and eyes; describe fictitious things in vivid and life like details
自己打自己嘴巴slap oneself in the face; there are contradictions in one's words and actions
进鬼门关enter the gate of hell; put oneself in danger
一碗水端平hold a bowl of water level; handle fairly
打破沙锅问到底insist on getting to the bottom of matters; wish to know every detail of something
各打五十大板punish the wronged and the wrongdoer alike; put the blame on the two parties equally
一心不能二用a man can’t spin and reel at the same time
人逢喜事精神爽joy puts heart into a man
吉人自有天相blessed are the good men
好死不如恶活a living ass is better than a dead lion
求人不如求己better depend on oneself than ask for help from others
老牛拉破车like an old bullock pulling a broken cart; drag along at a snail's pace