一针见血pierce to the truth with one pertinent remark
习以为常be accustomed to something
刻骨铭心be remembered with deep gratitude
司空见惯be a common sight/occurrence
叹为观止acclaim something as the acme of perfection
哭笑不得be at a loss whether to cry or to laugh
安居乐业live a stable life and enjoy one's work
心安理得feel at ease and justified
水落石出Everything comes to light.
淋漓尽致done with consummate skill and success
理直气壮be in the right and self-confident
语重心长sincere words and earnest wishes
震耳欲聋deafen the ear with its roar
面目全非be changed beyond recognition
大街小巷high streets and back lanes
津津乐道take delight in talking about
热气腾腾steaming hot; ruled by an atmosphere of vigour and enthusiasm
绞尽脑汁call forth all the faculties of the mind
多姿多彩very charming and colourful
截然不同different as black and white
毫不犹豫have no hesitation whatsoever