Common idioms and proverbs L4

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 4.

yī liǎo bǎi liǎo一了百了all troubles end when the main trouble ends

yī mìng wū hū一命呜呼kick the bucket

yī luò qiān zhàng一落千丈drop a thousand zhang in one fall; suffer a drastic/dramatic decline

wàn shuǐ qiān shān万水千山ten thousand rivers and a thousand mountains

sān fān wǔ cì三番五次again and again

sān cháng liǎng duǎn三长两短mishap

zhōng liú dǐ zhù中流砥柱mainstay

tíng tíng yù lì亭亭玉立fair, slim and graceful; tall and straight

rén shēng dǐng fèi人声鼎沸a hubbub/babel of voices

xìn kǒu kāi hé信口开河have a loose tongue

rù mù sān fēn入木三分having forceful strokes; penetrating

yǎng zūn chǔ yōu养尊处优enjoy high position and live in comfort

chōng fēng xiàn zhèn冲锋陷阵charge the enemy line; fight heroically/valiantly for a just cause

qián pū hòu jì前仆后继no sooner has one fallen than another steps into the breach

lì wǎn kuáng lán力挽狂澜make vigorous efforts to turn the tide

lì jīng tú zhì励精图治exert oneself to make the country prosperous

shì bù kě dǎng势不可挡irresistible

fā rén shēn sī发人深思prompt somebody to deep thought

tóng chóu dí kài同仇敌忾share a bitter hatred of the enemy

hōng táng dà xiào哄堂大笑the whole room rocking with laughter

dà yì lǐn rán大义凛然be staunchly righteous

dà gōng wú sī大公无私be selfless; be perfectly impartial

dà xǐ guò wàng大喜过望be pleased beyond expectations

rú jī sì kě如饥似渴with great eagerness

shǐ liào bù jí始料不及beyond one's expectation

chà zǐ yān hóng姹紫嫣红brilliant purples and reds

shǒu zhū dài tù守株待兔await a windfall

qiǎo duó tiān gōng巧夺天工superb craftsmanship excelling nature

yìng jiē bù xiá应接不暇deluged

fèi qǐn wàng shí废寝忘食forget all about eating and sleeping

zhāng dēng jié cǎi张灯结彩be gay with lanterns and decorations

xīn yuè chéng fú心悦诚服feel a heartfelt admiration

jí zhōng shēng zhì急中生智come up with a plan when in a predicament

wéi miào wéi xiào惟妙惟肖remarkably true to life

gǎn rén fèi fǔ感人肺腑move somebody deeply

gǎn jī tì líng感激涕零shed tears of gratitude

yì yáng dùn cuò抑扬顿挫in cadence

pī jīng zhǎn jí披荆斩棘break through brambles and thorns; overcome all hardships that may occur in the course of one's career

lán lù hǔ拦路虎road-blocking tiger; hindrance

àn bīng bù dòng按兵不动not throw one's troops into battle; take no action

yǎn ěr dào líng掩耳盗铃bury one's head in the sand

yáo tóu huàng nǎo摇头晃脑look pleased with oneself

wén zhì bīn bīn文质彬彬gentle

wàng ér shēng wèi望而生畏awe-inspiring

lái rì fāng cháng来日方长Many a day will come yet.

bēi shuǐ chē xīn杯水车薪a drop in the ocean

guǒ bù qí rán果不其然as expected/anticipated

zhèng jīn wēi zuò正襟危坐straighten one's clothes and sit properly

huó líng huó xiàn活灵活现lifelike

yóu shǒu hào xián游手好闲idle away one's time

liū zhī dà jí溜之大吉sneak away

mǎn miàn chūn fēng满面春风radiant with happiness

huǒ yǎn jīn jīng火眼金睛piercing eye

shú shì wú dǔ熟视无睹pay no attention to a familiar sight

dú jù jiàng xīn独具匠心have originality

shèng qì líng rén盛气凌人arrogant

zhān qián gù hòu瞻前顾后look forward and backward; cautious and thorough

fēn fēn yáng yáng纷纷扬扬floating in profusion

měi lún měi huàn美轮美奂magnificent

lǎo diào yá老掉牙antediluvian

lǎo shēng cháng tán老生常谈truism

huā tuán jǐn cù花团锦簇bouquets of flowers and piles of silk―rich multicoloured decorations

gǒu yán cán chuǎn苟延残喘be on one's last legs; linger on in a meagre existence

mò zhōng yī shì莫衷一是unable to agree

cái dà qì cū财大气粗rich and arrogant

bá shān shè shuǐ跋山涉水trudge across mountains and rivers

shēn qiáng lì zhuàng身强力壮strong

yǎ sú gòng shǎng雅俗共赏appeal to all

fēng huá zhèng mào风华正茂in one's prime

fēng yǔ tóng zhōu风雨同舟tide over difficulties together

jī cháng lù lù饥肠辘辘one's inside rumbles for want of food

gāo bù kě pān高不可攀too high to reach

àn rán shén shāng黯然神伤feel depressed

zī yá liě zuǐ龇牙咧嘴look fierce; contort one's face in agony

qī líng bā luò七零八落scattered here and there

bù gǒu yán xiào不苟言笑reticent

hù tōng yǒu wú互通有无each making up what the other lacks

hán qíng mò mò含情脉脉full of tender affection

xuán yá qiào bì悬崖峭壁steep cliff

wú yī wú kào无依无靠be helpless

xiōng yǒng péng pài汹涌澎湃surging

fú xiǎng lián piān浮想联翩thoughts thronging one's mind

luó gǔ xuān tiān锣鼓喧天festive scene

bù gān luò hòu不甘落后not reconcile oneself to lagging behind

lín wēi bù jù临危不惧face danger fearlessly

jiǔ bié chóng féng久别重逢be reunited after a long separation

wò chuáng bù qǐ卧床不起be completely bedridden

tiān xià tài píng天下太平peace reigns under heaven

shī shēng tòng kū失声痛哭Lose control and cry out loud.

shān shān lái chí姗姗来迟slow in coming

dòu zhì áng yáng斗志昂扬be high in spirits

wú jī zhī tán无稽之谈unfounded statement/rumour

shuǐ tǔ bù fú水土不服not accustomed to the climate

shēng sǐ guān tóu生死关头juncture when one's life is at stake

wǎn ěr yí xiào莞尔一笑a slight smile

luò luò dà fāng落落大方carry oneself with ease and natural poise

xíng sè cōng cōng行色匆匆be in a hurry to set out/go on a trip

yī shān lán lǚ衣衫褴褛be dressed/clad in rags

liàng liàng qiàng qiàng踉踉跄跄roll from side to side as a drunken man

bǎi kàn bù yàn百看不厌never tire of seeing something