一了百了all troubles end when the main trouble ends
一落千丈drop a thousand zhang in one fall; suffer a drastic/dramatic decline
万水千山ten thousand rivers and a thousand mountains
亭亭玉立fair, slim and graceful; tall and straight
入木三分having forceful strokes; penetrating
养尊处优enjoy high position and live in comfort
冲锋陷阵charge the enemy line; fight heroically/valiantly for a just cause
前仆后继no sooner has one fallen than another steps into the breach
力挽狂澜make vigorous efforts to turn the tide
励精图治exert oneself to make the country prosperous
发人深思prompt somebody to deep thought
同仇敌忾share a bitter hatred of the enemy
哄堂大笑the whole room rocking with laughter
大公无私be selfless; be perfectly impartial
大喜过望be pleased beyond expectations
姹紫嫣红brilliant purples and reds
巧夺天工superb craftsmanship excelling nature
废寝忘食forget all about eating and sleeping
张灯结彩be gay with lanterns and decorations
心悦诚服feel a heartfelt admiration
急中生智come up with a plan when in a predicament
拦路虎road-blocking tiger; hindrance
按兵不动not throw one's troops into battle; take no action
掩耳盗铃bury one's head in the sand
正襟危坐straighten one's clothes and sit properly
熟视无睹pay no attention to a familiar sight
瞻前顾后look forward and backward; cautious and thorough
花团锦簇bouquets of flowers and piles of silk―rich multicoloured decorations
苟延残喘be on one's last legs; linger on in a meagre existence
跋山涉水trudge across mountains and rivers
风雨同舟tide over difficulties together
饥肠辘辘one's inside rumbles for want of food
龇牙咧嘴look fierce; contort one's face in agony
互通有无each making up what the other lacks
浮想联翩thoughts thronging one's mind
不甘落后not reconcile oneself to lagging behind
久别重逢be reunited after a long separation
失声痛哭Lose control and cry out loud.
无稽之谈unfounded statement/rumour
水土不服not accustomed to the climate
生死关头juncture when one's life is at stake
落落大方carry oneself with ease and natural poise
行色匆匆be in a hurry to set out/go on a trip