Common idioms and proverbs L4

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 4.

yī gǔ zuò qì一鼓作气get something done with one big effort

wàn bù dé yǐ万不得已as a last resort

sān yán liǎng yǔ三言两语in a few words

bù piān bù yǐ不偏不倚just; straight and true

bù tóng fán xiǎng不同凡响extraordinary

bù jū yī gé不拘一格not stick to one pattern

bù yì ér fēi不翼而飞"fly without wings"; spread like wildfire/on the wings of the wind

bù jiě zhī yuán不解之缘irrevocable commitment

bù jì qí shù不计其数countless

zhuān xīn zhì zhì专心致志be wholly absorbed

yán zhèn yǐ dài严阵以待be prepared to meet the challenge

wǔ hú sì hǎi五湖四海five lakes and four seas

chōng ěr bù wén充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to

bīng tiān xuě dì冰天雪地world of ice and snow

bié jù yī gé别具一格have a unique style

bié chū xīn cái别出心裁adopt an original approach

bàn xìn bàn yí半信半疑not quite convinced

gǔ sè gǔ xiāng古色古香be with old world character/charm

ǒu xīn lì xuè呕心沥血work one's heart out

yè yǐ jì rì夜以继日day and night

dà yáo dà bǎi大摇大摆come or go struttingly/swaggeringly

dà xiǎn shēn shǒu大显身手display one's skill to the full

tiān yī wú fèng天衣无缝seamless heavenly robe worn by fairies

shī hún luò pò失魂落魄uneasy; panic stricken

tóu tóu shì dào头头是道clear and logical

fèn fā tú qiáng奋发图强strive to achieve success

chuān liú bù xī川流不息pass by endlessly

páng rán dà wù庞然大物huge monster

zuò wú xū xí座无虚席be packed to capacity

yǐn rén rù shèng引人入胜enchanting

dé gāo wàng zhòng德高望重be of noble character and high prestige

xīn jīng ròu tiào心惊肉跳be in a state of terror

xīn kuàng shén yí心旷神怡carefree and happy

xīn líng shǒu qiǎo心灵手巧a lively mind and a quick hand

bēi huān lí hé悲欢离合vicissitudes of life

jīng tāo hài làng惊涛骇浪terrifying waves; great upheavals

pāi mǎ pì拍马屁fawn on

pái shān dǎo hǎi排山倒海powerful and overwhelming

páng ruò wú rén旁若无人act as if no one else was nearby

wú dú yǒu ǒu无独有偶it isn’t unique, but has its counterpart

yǒu xuè yǒu ròu有血有肉vivid

huó bèng luàn tiào活蹦乱跳gambol

hǎi kuò tiān kōng海阔天空boundless; far-ranging

wēn wén ěr yǎ温文尔雅be gentle and quiet of disposition

xī xī rǎng rǎng熙熙攘攘bustling with activity

bǎi zhé bù náo百折不挠be undaunted by repeated setbacks

mù bù xiá jiē目不暇接cannot take it all in

qiè qiè sī yǔ窃窃私语talk in whispers

xiào róng kě jū笑容可掬be radiant with smiles

měi bù shèng shōu美不胜收so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in

kuài zhì rén kǒu脍炙人口please all tastes

zì zuò zì shòu自作自受suffer from one's own action

ruò yǐn ruò xiàn若隐若现appear indistinctly

hǔ shì dān dān虎视眈眈glare like a tiger eyeing its prey

shī qíng huà yì诗情画意charming mood of poetry or painting

niè shǒu niè jiǎo蹑手蹑脚tiptoe

zài gē zài wǔ载歌载舞sing and dance joyously and festively

yù yù cōng cōng郁郁葱葱be lush and green

zhèng zhòng qí shì郑重其事seriously

tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn铤而走险take a risk in desperation

wén suǒ wèi wén闻所未闻unknown

dǐng tiān lì dì顶天立地of gigantic stature

mǎ mǎ hū hū马马虎虎palter with something; passable

qī zuǐ bā shé七嘴八舌all talking at once

bù shēng bù xiǎng不声不响be quiet/silent

bù yóu fēn shuō不由分说brook no explanation

bù néng zì bá不能自拔be too deeply involved to withdraw

yǔ shì gé jué与世隔绝be secluded from the real world

yán yú lǜ jǐ严于律己be strict in examining oneself

rén cái bèi chū人才辈出Large numbers of outstanding people come forward.

kǎn kǎn ér tán侃侃而谈pour out words

hé ǎi kě qīn和蔼可亲affable

huí wèi wú qióng回味无穷afford much food for thought

miào bù kě yán妙不可言too wonderful for words

shēng shēng bù xī生生不息multiply in an endless succession

bǎi gǎn jiāo jí百感交集all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart

shén qīng qì shuǎng神清气爽feel fresh

shén cǎi yì yì神采奕奕brim with energy and vitality

sù rán qǐ jìng肃然起敬feel deep reverence

luò huāng ér táo落荒而逃be defeated and flee

shēn wú fēn wén身无分文not have a penny to one's name

miàn bù gǎi sè面不改色keep one's countenance

bù kě gū liàng不可估量incalculable

jǐng rán yǒu xù井然有序orderly

rú chī rú zuì如痴如醉be out of one's mind

wēi fēng lǐn lǐn威风凛凛awe-inspiring

wán hǎo wú sǔn完好无损excellent without damage

gōng gōng jìng jìng恭恭敬敬in an attitude of respect

zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn指指点点gesticulating

bō tāo xiōng yǒng波涛汹涌roaring waves

liú lián wàng fǎn流连忘返enjoy oneself so much as to forget to go home

jiǒng jiǒng yǒu shén炯炯有神bright and piercing

piān piān qǐ wǔ翩翩起舞dance trippingly

téng kōng ér qǐ腾空而起rise in the world by sheer effort and persistence

fēng yōng ér zhì蜂拥而至come in great numbers

zhuǎn shùn jí shì转瞬即逝written in water

ruǎn ruò wú lì软弱无力weak and feeble

cháng tú bá shè长途跋涉trek a long way

fēng dù piān piān风度翩翩dapper in appearance

zhì xù jǐng rán秩序井然be in good order