一鼓作气get something done with one big effort
不翼而飞"fly without wings"; spread like wildfire/on the wings of the wind
严阵以待be prepared to meet the challenge
别出心裁adopt an original approach
古色古香be with old world character/charm
大摇大摆come or go struttingly/swaggeringly
大显身手display one's skill to the full
天衣无缝seamless heavenly robe worn by fairies
德高望重be of noble character and high prestige
心灵手巧a lively mind and a quick hand
惊涛骇浪terrifying waves; great upheavals
旁若无人act as if no one else was nearby
无独有偶it isn’t unique, but has its counterpart
温文尔雅be gentle and quiet of disposition
百折不挠be undaunted by repeated setbacks
美不胜收so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in
自作自受suffer from one's own action
虎视眈眈glare like a tiger eyeing its prey
诗情画意charming mood of poetry or painting
载歌载舞sing and dance joyously and festively
铤而走险take a risk in desperation
马马虎虎palter with something; passable
不能自拔be too deeply involved to withdraw
与世隔绝be secluded from the real world
严于律己be strict in examining oneself
人才辈出Large numbers of outstanding people come forward.
回味无穷afford much food for thought
生生不息multiply in an endless succession
百感交集all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
神采奕奕brim with energy and vitality
身无分文not have a penny to one's name
流连忘返enjoy oneself so much as to forget to go home