
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.psychology; mentality; mind; psychic

    • zhè shǒu shī fǎn yìng le shī rén zěn yàng de xīn lǐ huó dòng


      What kind of psychological activities does the poem reflect?

    • chē huò hòu tā biàn yǒu le xīn lǐ zhàng ài


      After the car accident, she had a mental disorder.

    • tā zhǔ xiū xīn lǐ xué


      He majored in psychology.

  • 2

    n.(in a broad sense) thoughts, emotions, etc.

    • gōng zuò shùn lì jiù gāo xìng zhè shì dà duō shù rén de xīn lǐ


      Joy accompanies successful work. This is how ordinary people feel about it.

    • wǒ men bù néng bào yǒu jiǎo xìng de xīn lǐ


      We can't take any chances.

    • dà jiā yào dù jué tān xiǎo pián yi de xīn lǐ


      We should put an end to the greed of petty advantages.