MCT Vocabulary

Chinese textbooks
Medical Chinese Test 1500 words.

dān dú丹毒erysipelas

chǎn shēng产生bring about

chǎn chéng产程childbirth

chǎn rù qī产褥期puerperium

chǎn dào产道birth canal

dài tì代替replace

chuán bō传播spread; propagation

chuán rǎn传染infect; influence mood, feelings, or atmosphere through contact

cè miàn侧面side; aspect

cù jìn促进promote

chuāng shāng创伤wound; suffering

chū bù初步preliminary; first step

cì jī刺激excite; provoke

cù zhòng卒中apoplexy; have a stroke

dān wèi单位unit; government office

dān chún单纯simple; only

cān yù参与participate in

cān kǎo参考consult; reference

chī lì吃力strenuous; exhausted

chuǎn xī喘息pant; short rest in between intensive activities

chuǎn qì喘气breathe; take a short break

chǎng suǒ场所arena

chuí tǐ垂体hypophysis

chǔ nǚ mó处女膜hymen

chǔ fāng处方prescribe; prescription

chǔ lǐ处理handle; punish

chǔ zhì处置deal with; punish

dà biàn大便human excrement; have a bowel movement

chǒng wù宠物pet

chǐ gǔ尺骨ulna

cǎi chāo彩超color Doppler ultrasound

chè dǐ彻底thorough

chéng rén成人grown-up; grow up

chéng fèn成分ingredient; one's profession or economic status

chéng shú成熟ripe; mature

dǎ pēn tì打喷嚏sneeze

chéng shòu承受bear; inherit

chéng dān承担bear

chōu chù抽搐twitch; convulsion

chāitake apart; dismantle

chí xù持续continue

cuò shī措施measure

chāstick; interpose

dā pèi搭配collocation; cooperate

cāo zuò操作operate; handling

chá fáng查房make/go the rounds of the wards; check the hotel rooms

cán liú残留remain

cán jí残疾deformity

chén mò沉默reticent; be silent/speechless

cè liáng测量measure; operation of surveying the form, extent and surface features, etc. of an area of land

cháo shī潮湿moist

cù sǐ猝死sudden death

chéng dù程度level; extent or degree to which something undergoing change reaches

chuān kǒng穿孔bore or pierce a hole; perforate

cū cāo粗糙coarse; careless

dān wu耽误delay

dǎn gù chún胆固醇cholesterol

chòustinky; disgusting

cāng bái苍白pale; lifeless

chóng yá虫牙decayed tooth

zhù yá蛀牙decayed tooth

dá dào达到attain

chí huǎn迟缓sluggish

chí dùn迟钝sluggish

chàn dǒu颤抖shake

dà cháng gǎn jūn大肠杆菌colon bacillus

chù zhěn触诊examine by touch

cí jī sù雌激素estrogen

cuī rǔ sù催乳素prolactin

chū rǔ初乳beestings

chǔ zhuàng zhǐ杵状指acropachia

cù xìng xiàn jī sù促性腺激素gonadotrophic hormone

chū chǎn fù初产妇primiparous woman

dān hé xì bāo单核细胞mononuclear

cháng tào dié肠套叠intussusception

cháng xì mó肠系膜mesentery

cí tóng雌酮estrone

chǎn hòu chū xuè产后出血postpartum haemorrhage

chuān cì shù穿刺术centesis

dǎ gé打嗝hiccup

dān kè lóng kàng tǐ单克隆抗体monoclonal antibody

chōng yíng quē sǔn充盈缺损filling defect

cù hóng xì bāo shēng chéng sù促红细胞生成素erythropoietin

chāo mǐn fǎn yìng超敏反应hypersensitivity

cǎi sè duō pǔ lè xuè liú xiǎn xiàng彩色多普勒血流显像color doppler flow imaging

cán wèi ái残胃癌gastric stump cancer

cè nǎo shì侧脑室lateral ventricle

cè zhī xún huán侧支循环collateral circulation

chǎn lì产力productivity

cháng bì suǒ肠闭锁intestinal atresia

cháng míng yīn肠鸣音bowel sound

cháng yì jī zōng hé zhēng肠易激综合征irritable bowel syndrome

chén jiāng晨僵morning stiffness

chǔ zhuàng zhǐ杵状趾clubbed toe

chù jué yǔ chàn触觉语颤vocal tactile fremitus

chuán dǎo zǔ zhì传导阻滞conduction block

cù wèi cháng dòng lì yào促胃肠动力药prokinetic agents

cuò liè shāng挫裂伤contused laceration

dài xiè xìng suān zhòng dú代谢性酸中毒metabolic acidosis

dǎn dào huí chóng胆道蛔虫biliary ascariasis