MCT Vocabulary

Chinese textbooks
Medical Chinese Test 1500 words.

shàng gǎn上感abbreviation of upper respiratory tract infection

jiè rù介入intervene

jiàn quán健全sound; regular

jiāng yìng僵硬stiff; rigid

jiā jù加剧aggravate

jí zǎo及早at an early date

jiā shǔ家属dependents

jiā tíng家庭family

jì shēng chóng寄生虫parasite; person who lives at the expense of others without making any useful contribution in return

jǐn kuài尽快as quickly as possible

jìn liàng尽量reach the limit

jí cù急促hurried; short

jí jù急剧rapid

jí zhěn急诊emergency call/treatment; treat someone emergently

jīng jué惊厥faint from/in fear; convulsions

jièguard against; warn

jié tān截瘫paraplegia

jiē zhòng接种vaccinate

jiē chù接触get in touch with; engage

jīng zhuàng tǐ晶状体crystalline lens

jiǎn chá检查check up; self-criticism

jiǎn yàn检验inspect

jìn rùn浸润soak gradually; gradually take hold

jī sù激素hormone

jiāo lǜ焦虑extremely anxious

jiǎ kàng甲亢hyperthyroidism

jī xíng畸形deformity; lopsided


jí bìng疾病illness

jiān hù监护guardianship; observe and nurse

jiān cè监测monitor

jiǎo zhèng矫正correct

jí guàn籍贯native place

jǐn jí紧急urgent

jié hé结合unite; be united in wedlock

jié zā结扎ligate

jié hé bìng结核病tuberculosis

jié shí结石stone

jié dì zǔ zhī结缔组织connective tissue

jié cháng结肠colon

jié mó结膜conjunctiva

jié jié结节tubercle

jiǎo tòng绞痛have angina

jiān jiǎ gǔ肩胛骨scapula

jiān bǎng肩膀shoulder

jǐ suǐ脊髓spinal cord

jǐ suǐ huī zhì yán脊髓灰质炎poliomyelitis

jiǎo zhǐ脚趾toe

jiàn qiào腱鞘tendon sheath

jié zòu节奏cadence; tempo

jiǎo mó角膜cornea

jiě pōu解剖dissect; analyse something deeply

jì lù记录record; minutes

jì yì lì记忆力faculty of memory

jǐn shèn谨慎prudent

jìn qīn近亲close relative

jìn shì近视myopia; short-sighted

jiàn bié鉴别differentiate

jiàn dìng鉴定identify; appraisal

jiàn xiē间歇intermit; intermission

jiān nǎo间脑deutencephalon

jiàn gé间隔interval; separate

jiē duàn阶段stage

jí zhōng集中concentrate; collective

jìn shí禁食forbid eating; fast

jí fù zhèng急腹症acute abdomen

jīn mó筋膜anadesma

jiān ruì shī yóu尖锐湿疣genital warts

jiǎ gōu yán甲沟炎paronychia

jiǎ zhuàng páng xiàn甲状旁腺parathyroid bodies

jī liú rè稽留热continued fever

jì fā xìng继发性secondary

jiāo yuán胶原collagen

jì wǎng shǐ既往史past history

jīng chǎn fù经产妇multipara

jiě jìng解痉spasmolysis

jiān bù肩部shoulder

jiāo gǎn shén jīng jié交感神经节sympathetic ganglion

jiā zú shǐ家族史family history

jī dòng yào激动药agonist

jìn jì zhèng禁忌症contraindication

jié hé jūn sù shì yàn结核菌素试验tuberculin test

jiān zhì xìng fèi yán间质性肺炎interstitial pneumonia

jiǎ zhuàng xiàn gōng néng kàng jìn zhèng甲状腺功能亢进症hyperthyroidism

jí xìng hū xī jiǒng pò zōng hé zhēng急性呼吸窘迫综合征acute respiratory distress syndrome

jí xìng huì yàn yán急性会厌炎acute epiglottitis

jí xìng shàng hū xī dào gǎn rǎn急性上呼吸道感染acute upper respiratory infection

jí zhèng shǒu shù急症手术emergency operation

jǐ zhù cè tū脊柱侧凸scoliosis

jì liàng xiào yìng guān xì剂量效应关系dose effect relationship

jiǎ jiǎn甲减hypothyroidism

jiǎ kàng wēi xiàng甲亢危象thyroid storm

jiǎ tāi dàn bái甲胎蛋白alpha fetoprotein

jiǎ zhuàng xiàn gōng néng jiǎn tuì zhèng甲状腺功能减退症hypothyroidism

jiāo chā pèi xuè交叉配血cross matching

jiǎo zhǎi xìng绞窄性strangulated

jié kàng yào拮抗药antagonists

jié hé fēn zhī gǎn jūn结核分支杆菌Mycobacterium tuberculosis

jié hé xìng fù mó yán结核性腹膜炎tuberculous peritonitis

jìn zhǎn qī进展期progressive stage