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  • done with it; let it pass; be done with it; give up in the face of difficulty

    • tā bù lǐng qíng yě jiù bà liǎo fǎn dào guài qǐ wǒ lái


      I wouldn't mind her ingratitude, but she went to lay the blame on me.

    • tā bù kěn yě bà liǎo lián gè huí xìn yě bù gěi


      I wouldn't have minded his refusing, but he didn't answer my letter.

    • jì yǐ tōng zhī guo tā yě jiù bà liǎo


      Since you've already informed him, then let's just let it go at this.

    • tā zì jǐ bù qù dǎo yě bà liǎo wèi shén me hái yào zǔ zhǐ bié rén


      If he doesn't go himself, fair enough, why does he have to stop other people?

    • fáng jià tài gāo mǎi bù qǐ zhǐ hǎo bà liǎo


      I gave up because of the price of this apartment.

    • tā zhǐ shì zài lì yòng wǒ bà liǎo


      He is simply making a convenience of me.