bàn shì chù

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.office; agency; branch office

    • tā bèi diào dào gōng sī xià shǔ de yī gè jiào xiǎo de bàn shì chù


      He was shunted off to one of the company's smaller offices.

    • yǒu kòng quē zhí wèi de shí hou bàn shì chù jiù dào gè gè dà xué qù dǎ tàn


      When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.

    • zhè jiā lǚ yóu bàn shì chù tí gōng shí yòng de zhù sù chá xún fú wù


      The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.

    • bàn shì chù jiāng cóng yuè rì qǐ guān bì


      The office will be closed from 2 July.

    • xiáng qíng xiàng bàn shì chù qià xún


      For particulars apply to the office.

Word usage

  • "办事处" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 办事处

      one office