
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.bundle wrapped in cloth; cloth package

    • qǐng dǎ kāi nǐ de bāo fu


      Please open your baggage.

    • tā shǒu shang tí zhe yī gè bāo fu


      He is carrying a cloth-wrapped bundle in his hand.

    • tā shōu shi bāo fu zhǔn bèi huí jiā


      He packed up to go home.

  • 2

    n.metaburden; load; millstone round one's neck; encumbrance

    • guó zhài shì zǒng tǒng miàn lín de yī dà bāo fu


      The national debt is an albatross around the president's neck.

    • bù néng bǎ shàn yǎng fù mǔ kàn chéng shì yī zhǒng bāo fu


      Supporting one's parents should not be considered a burden.

    • wǒ nián mài de mǔ qīn dān xīn tā chéng wéi wǒ de bāo fu


      My elderly mother worries that she's a burden to me.

  • 3

    n.cloth for making a bundle; cloth-wrapper; big bandanna used for wrapping a bundle

    • tā xū yào yī gè dà bāo fu


      He needs a big cloth-wrapper.

  • 4

    n.(of cross talk, quick patter, etc.) punch line; laughing stock

    • dǒu bāo fu


      reveal the punchline

Word usage

  • "包袱" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 包袱

      one baggage