
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.scrap; be written off; report something as worthless

    • zhè liàng qì chē sǔn huài yán zhòng zhǐ hǎo chè dǐ bào fèi


      The car was so badly damaged that it had to be abandoned as a total loss.

    • zuì lǎo de fēi jī bào fèi le


      The oldest of the aircraft were scrapped.

    • wǒ de qì chē diàn chí bào fèi le


      The battery in my car gave up the ghost.

Word usage

  • Note
    "报废" is different from "作废". "报废" is mostly used for machines, equipment, etc., which are planned to be abandoned due to unqualified or functional failures. "作废" is mostly used for plans and vouchers to be repealed for reasons such as inapplicability or exceeding time limits.

Chinese words with pinyin bao fei