
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.take for example; for instance/example; such as

    • yǒu xiē wèn tí yǐ jīng zuò chū jué dìng bǐ rú zhāo duō shǎo xué sheng děng děng


      Decisions have been made on some questions, such as the number of students to be enrolled.

    • yǒu xiē kè chéng bǐ rú shù xué hé yīng yǔ běn xì xué sheng dōu shì bì xiū de


      Some subjects, such as Mathematics and English, are compulsory for the students in this department.

    • shū jí yīng liè zài yī gè kuān fàn de lèi mù xià miàn bǐ rú shuō gōng chéng lèi


      Books should be listed under a broader heading such as "engineering".