
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.have a competition/contest

    • wǒ men bǐ shi yī xià kàn shéi tiào de gāo


      Let's have a competition and see who jumps higher.

    • bù xìn zán men bǐ shi bǐ shi


      If you don't believe me, let's have a competition and see.

    • bǐ shi lì qi


      have a competition of strength

  • 2

    v.make gestures; gesticulate

    • tā bǎ huā bù wéi zài yāo shang bǐ shi qǐ lai


      He put the cloth around his waist and began to imitate.

Word usage

  • "比试" can be reduplicated, for example: "比试比试".
    • 听说武术咱俩比试比试

      I hear you've practiced wushu for many years. Let's have a competition.