
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.writing or drawing instrument; pen; pencil; brush

    • qǐng bié guà duàn wǒ qù ná zhī bǐ hǎo ma


      Could you hold the line and I'll just get my pen.

    • zhè zhī bǐ de bǐ mào ne

      Where's the top of this pen?

    • wǒ de bǐ nǎ qù le

      Where's my pen?

  • 2

    n.technique of writing, calligraphy or drawing

    • wén bǐ

      style of writing

    • bài bǐ

      bad stroke

    • fú bǐ


  • 3


    • dài bǐ

      write down for somebody

    • qīn bǐ

      in one's own handwriting

    • zhí bǐ

      record faithfully

  • 4

    n.stroke in Chinese painting or calligraphy

    • qǐ bǐ

      first stroke of a Chinese character

    • mò bǐ

      final stroke of a Chinese character

  • 5

    measure wordused for sums of money, financial accounts, debts, etc.

    • yī bǐ qián

      a sum of money

    • yī bǐ zhài

      a debt

    • liǎng bǐ zhàng

      two scores

  • 6

    measure wordused for skill in paintings and calligraphy

    • xiě xìn shí qǐng dài wǒ dài shang yī bǐ

      Please give my regards when you write.

  • 7


    • wèi bǐ

      handwriting of a deceased person

Words and phrases with 笔

  • 笔误
    [word]make a clerical error; clerical error
  • 笔势
    [word]style of brushwork; vigour of literary style
  • 笔直
    [word]bolt upright
  • 笔端
  • 笔记小说
    [word]literary sketches
  • 笔顺
    [word]order of strokes of each word observed in calligraphy
  • 笔债
    [word]literary commission
  • 笔杆
  • 笔谈
    [word]exchange ideas by way of writing instead of conversation; give a written statement
  • 笔酣墨饱
    [idiom]joy of writing
  • 笔墨纸砚
    [idiom]writing brush, ink stick, paper and ink-stone
  • 笔下留情
    [idiom]be charitable/merciful in writing criticisms
  • 笔底生花
    [idiom]have an elegant, elaborate style of writing
  • 笔大如椽
    [idiom]have a deft hand in writing
  • 笔下超生
    [idiom]spare a life by a stroke of the writing brush
  • 笔下生花
    [idiom]same as 笔底生花
  • 笔走龙蛇
    [idiom]vigorous and graceful
  • 笔墨官司
    [idiom]paper arguments

Word usage

  • "笔" is often matched with measure word "支".
    • one pen

Similar-form characters to 笔

Chinese Characters with pinyin

  • compare; close together
  • that; the other party
  • mean; I
  • cause
  • type of ancient spoon; dagger