biàn xié

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.portable

    • jīn hòu rén lèi jiāng kāi fā chū biàn xié de dī jià néng yuán


      In the future mankind will develop low-cost portable sources of energy.

    • tā jué de suí zhe biàn xié diàn nǎo de fā zhǎn bào zhǐ de méi tǐ dì wèi yě jiāng huì bèi wǎng zhàn zhú bù dài tì


      With the continued development of portable computers, he believes that the status of print newspapers in the media will be slowly overtaken by websites.

    • suǒ ní gōng sī tuī chū le yī kuǎn biàn xié shì yīn xiǎng xì tǒng


      Sony have brought out a portable music system.