
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.aunt; the wife of one's father's elder brother

    • bó mǔ qù shì hòu wǒ men yǐ wéi bó fù hěn kuài yě huì gēn zhe lí kāi


      We expected him to pass on quickly after she died.

    • wǒ bó mǔ dà yuē zài nián qù shì


      My aunt died back in about 2003.

    • wǒ de bó mǔ shēng le hěn zhǎng yī duàn shí jiān de bìng le


      My aunt had been ill for a long time.

  • 2

    n.general term of address for a woman of one's mother's generation

    • xiè xie bó fù bó mǔ wǒ míng tiān jiù jì shang


      Thanks, uncle and auntie. I'll put it on tomorrow.

Word usage

  • "伯母" is often matched with measure word "位"or"个".
    • 伯母

      one aunt

    • 伯母

      one aunt

Chinese words with pinyin bo mu