bù jū yī gé

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • slnot stick to one pattern; not limited to one type (or style); follow no set form (pattern)

    • wén yì chuàng zuò yào bù jū yī gé tǐ cái kě yǐ duō yàng huà


      Literary and artistic creation should not be limited to any one pattern. It should be diverse in form.

    • bù jū yī gé xuǎn bá rén cái


      select all kinds of talented people

    • tā de biǎo yǎn fāng fǎ bù jū yī gé zǒng shì zài bù duàn de tū pò zì wǒ xún qiú zhēn shí


      His performance method does not stick to one pattern. He constantly makes a breakthrough and seeks the truth.

Word usage

  • Note
    "不拘一格" is used to express attitudes towards people or things.