chōng jī

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.lash; pound; beat; dash; swash

    • bō làng chōng jī hǎi àn


      Waves pound against the shore.

    • gǔn gǔn bō tāo chōng jī zhe dà dī


      The waves dashed against the levee.

    • zài bào zhà qì làng de chōng jī xià hěn duō fáng zi dōu tā le


      Many houses collapsed under the force of the blast.

  • 2

    v.charge; assault

    • xiàng shì jiè jì lù zhǎn kāi chōng jī


      Attempt to break the world record.

    • gōng sī yè jì shòu dào le yīng bàng gāo zhí de chōng jī


      The company's performance was impacted by the high value of the pound.

    • shòu dào guó jì shì chǎng jià gé chōng jī


      Price shocks in the international market.

  • 3

    v.interfere or attack to exert an influence; come under fire