chū zhōng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.original intention

    • jǐn guǎn hòu lái shì qing bàn zá le dàn tā de chū zhōng shì hǎo de


      Although things later went badly, his initial intentions were good.

    • suī rán jīng guò le bǎi bān cuò zhé dàn shì tā shǐ zhōng bù gǎi biàn chū zhōng


      Although after a hundred setbacks, he never changed his mind.

    • tā bù gǎi chū zhōng réng rán rè ài jiào yù zhè yī xíng


      He has not changed his mind and still loves his profession of education.

Word usage

  • "初衷" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 初衷

      one original intention