cún huò

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.stock up (goods)

    • cún huò qǐng dào nán huò chǎng


      Please go to the south yard to store the goods.

  • 2

    n.stock; goods in stock; remainder; (stock) inventory

    • cún huò bù duō yù gòu cóng sù


      There are not many in stock, so buy them while they last.

    • cún huò yǒu xiàn


      have little in stock

    • cún huò bèi zēng


      Goods in storage are doubled.

Word usage

  • "存" and "货" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 仓库

      There is still a lot of goods stocked in the warehouse.

    • 这里这么

      There is no room to stock so many goods.

    • 仓库一共300

      There are three hundred pieces of goods in this warehouse.

Chinese words with pinyin cun huo