
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.take (or have) a nap; doze off; have a snatch of sleep

    • chī wán wǔ fàn tā zǒng yào dǎ dǔn r


      He always takes a nap after lunch.

    • nà ge nán hái pā zài shū shang dǎ dǔn r


      The boy was dozing over a book.

    • dǎ dǔn r xǐng lái jiù yǒu jīng shen le


      A nap will refresh you.

    • tā bái tiān lǎo shì dǎ dǔn r qián yī wǎn kěn dìng méi shuì hǎo


      He kept dozing off during the day. He must have slept badly the night before.

    • bàng wǎn dǎ dǔn r


      take an evening nap

    • tā zuò zài fú shǒu yǐ zhōng dǎ dǔn r


      He dozed off in the armchair.

    • hái yǒu bàn xiǎo shí néng dǎ dǔn r


      There's still half an hour; we can have a nap.

    • tā lèi de zhí dǎ dǔn r


      He was so exhausted that he kept nodding off.

    • bù yào zài kāi huì zhōng dǎ dǔn r


      Do not go doze off in the middle of the meeting.

Word usage

  • "打" and "盹儿" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 盹儿

      I’d like to take a nap after dinner.

    • 从来没有上班时间盹儿

      I've never taken a nap at work.

    • 最近工作白天根本不了盹儿

      I've been very busy recently, I can't even take a nap during the day.