dān yuán

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.element; cell; location; sub-unit; unit element

    • cǐ pèi zhì gòu chéng zhěng gè jì suàn dān yuán


      This configuration makes up the entire cell.

    • cǎi yòng jì yì dān yuán jī zhì zēng qiáng le suàn fǎ jú bù sōu suǒ de néng lì


      The memory unit mechanism is proposed to strengthen the local search ability of the algorithm.

    • jǔ zhèn shí yàn shì yǐ jǔ zhèn wéi jī běn yùn suàn dān yuán


      Matrix lab uses the matrix as the basic computing unit.

  • 2

    n.unit (used in referring to a textbook)

    • kè běn qián liǎng gè dān yuán


      first two units in a textbook

    • yī gè jiào xué dān yuán


      a teaching unit

Word usage

  • "单元" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 单元

      one unit

Chinese words with pinyin dan yuan