dàn chén

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.birthday

    • zhè shì wéi jì niàn zhè ge yì shù jiā qī shí suì dàn chén bàn de zhǎn lǎn


      This is an exhibition to mark the artist's 70th birthday

    • nà tiān shì tā de bǎi suì dàn chén


      It was his 100th birthday.

    • zhè yī tiān shì tā de dàn chén wǒ men zài cāo chǎng shang jǔ xíng le yī gè jì niàn huì


      This day is his birthday, and we held a commemorative meeting on the playground.

    • mǔ qīn jiǔ shí suì dàn chén


      the ninetieth birthday of the Queen Mother