
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.reverse a car

    • dào chē jìn kù


      back car into the garage

    • yī liàng zhèng zài dào chē de chē zi


      a reversing car

Word usage

  • "倒" and "车" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 学校公交车

      From home to school, I changed two buses.

    • Where did she change the bus?

    • 我们直达旅游没有

      We went to the tourist destination directly without changing buses.

    • 过去

      If you reverse the car, our car will pass.

    • 刚刚学会

      He has just learned how to drive, yet it is not easy for him to reverse a car.

    • 马路不了

      This road is too narrow to reverse a car.